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"Spatial Drive"

Space,time and the rest.Same place, another face.


Digital collage.

"Time Accession"

They destroy they create,jump out any given age.


Digital collage.

"In The Between"

Mr Mandelbrot says that between two points there is not a single straight line.

Digital collage.

"Subconcious Drive to Now"

We are on to a track. All the pieces are migrating to now.

Digital collage.

"Bulls in September"

If you want to see in how many pieces a glass wall can break,let loose some bulls,but in september.

Digital collage.

"It is going to get complicated"

It is going to be a complication more than a interpersonal interaction.Karmic energy flows,dark matter,sleepless nights and supernova explossions kind of stuff. Be aware.

Digital collage.

"Ohh ,i am not a lifeguard,honey "

You need a Perseus.....and i am not even a lifeguard, honey.

Digital collage.

"Rain at the end of September "

........,all you need is some company and an umbrella.No rain is problem for gemini.

Digital collage.

"The ConStrainer Space"

I made a space so you can constrain your feelings.Enjoy......

Digital collage.

"Dont get TOO Comfortable now "

Dont get too comfortable now......this is not a beach

Digital collage.

"Not A gOOD idea "

We do like not good ideas...they take us a tRip.

Digital collage.

"You will never learn "

Jump into cold water, then, put your hands in fire again...because you will never learn .

Digital collage.

"I uNderstand yOu do like sNow "

"A bRain LaDer"

I hope you like bananas...because i will take some with me....

Digital collage.


"analog Disinteγration"

Dissolution of things you can not see...yet you understand they are integral parts of you....when you go up in smokes

Digital collage.


Keep playing with it....pleeeease,i want to see how much it will take for the leash to break

Digital collage.


curiosity.....left the spaceman stone marble cold, for his questions are on a timeline without start and endding, it is a space and he is a man.

Digital collage.

"in Context"

"Love pRopaganda"

The lovers have nothing to lose but their pleasures...and a very heavy organ that pumps tomato juice to their brains

Digital collage.

"Vertical section of an irrational passion site"

"Biγ fArewell"

"sOcial construction"

"Sεclusions dUality"

"serenity margin"

"do Not speak"

"LoVe's revenge"

"miDnight Funky fEar"

"Adult shock reActioN"

"dark candy vibration"

"eLectric eye"

"talk about It"

"The trippp"



"faMily thing....or two"

"universal sign language"

"frying pan"

"summit sheep"

"the trip II"

"I dont know what this is"

"Athens cat ransom trans mob"

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